Technology Collaboration

The winning solution is an integrated non-intrusive passive inspection technique (which detects active anomalies) with auxiliary testing and advanced data processing. The objective of the integration is...

This solution uses environmentally friendly chemicals to treat sludge at ambient temperature to significantly reduce the duration of sludge removal, compared to conventional methods, recover oil from the sludge...

This winning technology uses an integrated solution consisting of Dynamic Response Spectroscopy (DRS) and Microwave Field Inspection Tools. DRS is primarily utilised to inspect carbon steel pipe remaining wall thickness...
Exploring the geological and geophysical knowledge to make the right decision on our exploration activities. Various tools were used in determining the hydrocarbon trap underground...
Multiphase and wet gas flow meters provide essential online and continuous flow rate information especially in upstream oil and gas production system. Number of limitations persist and several specific requirements requires intervention especially to operate in harsh environments...
Compressor reliability is a common issue faced by ageing platform across the oil & gas industry. PETRONAS is not excluded. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will allow oil & gas operators to manage the platform more effectively...
Conventional methods of steel against steel for conductor poses corrosion, fretting to points stress loads and costly to repair. Wave induced damage overtime will bring about structural imbalance and fatigue that may impose safety concern and unplanned stop-work...