Technology Marketplace
We seek solutions that add value to our business.
Do you have an innovative
solution to bring to our attention?
Technology Marketplace is iG@P's open platform to bring new solutions to PETRONAS.

Your idea will be systematically processed and reviewed by the relevant subject matter experts.
Proposal Submission by Vendor
Download the Technology Marketplace
submission checklist to help you prepare
your proposal.
Technical Review by SME - Vendor may be contacted to provide clarity and evidence
Download the Technology Marketplace
submission checklist to help you prepare
your proposal.
Evaluation Result Published by the System
Download the Technology Marketplace
submission checklist to help you prepare
your proposal.
Approved Technology will be placed in Technology Catalogue - a PETRONAS preferred technology choice
Download the Technology Marketplace
submission checklist to help you prepare
your proposal.
Technology Promotion & Consultation - To facilitate leads and delivering solution
Download the Technology Marketplace
submission checklist to help you prepare
your proposal.
Terms and Conditions
Before submitting any technology offerings, proposals or any other materials not limited to those that's specified in the Information Checklist, please take the time to read and understand the terms and conditions relating to the use of the Technology Marketplace platform.

Be part of PETRONAS Preferred Technology Choice and you will gain:
Access to promote PETRONAS and its group of companies
Further development and collaboration through:
1. VDP InnoTech
2. Investment with CVC
3. Research collaboration
Feedback on your technology for improvement and modification