VDP InnoTech
VDP InnoTech is designed to embrace Industrial Revolution 4.0, aspire to promote and nurture Bumiputera SMEs for innovation, technology advancement and the ownership of IP wholly or partly to penetrate growth in cutting-edge era of technology & digitalization.
Embracing Industrial Revolution 4.0
• Promote innovation for technology advancement among local SMEs within the Oil & Gas ecosystem.
• To encourage more new value add technologies adoption by PETRONAS assets and facilities which will enhance efficiency and promote cost optimization.
How to be apart of VDP InnoTech Programme
• Vendor can participate in PETRONAS Technology Marketplace and/or Technology Challenge via innovation Gateway @ PETRONAS
• PETRONAS will assess successful vendor for VDP InnoTech programme.
• Interested Vendors may also register via inquiry_vdp@petronas.com for PETRONAS' consideration
How does VDP InnoTech Programme works?

1. Participate / proposal
- Kindly participate in PETRONAS Technology Challenge or submit your technology proposal to PETRONAS Technology Marketplace via http://innovation.petronas.com
2. Identify
- You will be identified as potential VDP InnoTech vendor for a successful innovation solution
3. Assessment
- Your company will be made accessible to PETRONAS internal community for VDP InnoTech assessment
4. Appointment
- Upon being successful, you will be appointed as PETRONAS VDP InnoTech Vendor for a certain scope and duration
5. Development
- You will be developed on a certain focus area from an agreed KPI with PETRONAS
6. Graduation
- You will be assessed by PETRONAS based on development milestone and will be graduated upon achieved all KPI